Frustrating, and Cultivating Wisdom

Though the days of cultivating our crops have been gulped up and replaced by sprayers, I was recently recalling a conversation I had with one of our neighborhood farm wives. I had been lamenting over something that had irritated me while I was disking one day, when...

History Comes Down

I witnessed a little bit of history recently. Some friends of ours demolished their barn, which was almost 100 years old, and I’d be lying if I told you it wasn’t a sad occasion. It’s hard to describe what a barn truly means to the farm family. The barn is an...

Breaking the Calf

Our kids are all nine-year veterans of the 4-H program in our county. Over the years we’ve seen them work on and show a lot of exhibits, and probably none have been as frustrating–nor as popular–with them as their livestock exhibits. For those of you who...

How do you know you’re a farm wife?

Sooner or later, every farm wife begins to feel like one. She is often seen in the shadow of her husband, yet she manages to find the gall to work side by side with him on projects that lead them through everything from nailing tin onto barn roofs, to burrowing...